Does Medicare Cover Pilates? 

Pilates is an exercise program designed to build muscle strength, increase flexibility and improve coordination with a focus on the core. The fitness approach is the namesake of Joseph Pilates, who introduced the routine in the U.S. in the 1920s. What was then a unique method of conditioning grew in popularity among fitness enthusiasts, including celebrities and athletes. If you are a Medicare beneficiary interested in Pilates and other forms of exercise, you may be looking for a Medicare plan that covers the cost of…

Does Medicare Cover Rollators? 

The ability to safely and comfortably get around plays a big part in your quality of life. It’s fairly easy to take mobility for granted, but when a health concern begins to affect your ability to walk, run or even stand, it can become impossible to ignore. Seniors are the largest demographic of Americans to face mobility challenges. This leaves many individuals unable to enjoy the things they used to do. Even getting around your home can be difficult when you suffer from mobility challenges….

Does Medicare Cover Sleep Apnea? 

Getting a good night’s rest is vital at any age, but as you get older, quality sleep is essential to your health and well-being. Seniors tend to require more quality sleep due to the natural slowdown in metabolism and other bodily processes that comes with aging. Additionally, illness and healing from injuries require quality sleep in order for the immune system to overtake viruses and repair damaged tissue. Unfortunately, quality sleep can be hard to come by as you get older. Many seniors experience changes…

Does Medicare Cover TMS? 

Today in the United States, there are over two million seniors aged 65 and over who are living with a form of depression, and many of them have symptoms of major depression. For those who have tried other depression treatments that haven’t resolved their health issues, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may be a solution.  TMS is a noninvasive FDA-approved medical procedure that can improve the symptoms of major depression by stimulating targeted nerve cells in the brain using magnetic pulses. As of now, the FDA…

Does Medicare Cover Spravato? 

Millions of people in the United States, young and old, live with some degree of depression. Because more focus is put on the symptoms that young people experience, not everyone recognizes depression in older adults.  It’s important to be aware of some common symptoms of depression in seniors (like those listed below), whether you’re caring for someone or worried about yourself: Feelings of emptiness or lifelessness Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or helplessness  Moodiness, irritability, increased anxiety Loss of energy, fatigue Slower movements or speaking Sleeping…

Does Medicare Cover Jardiance? 

According to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are over 37 million people in the U.S. who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Over 90 percent of those people have type two diabetes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) reports that 50 percent of Americans who are over 65 have prediabetes and have an elevated risk of developing type two diabetes.   Your risk of getting type two diabetes is higher in the following instances:  You’re prediabetic You’re overweight You’re 45 or…

Does Medicare Cover Low-T treatment? 

Testosterone, the male sex hormone, is essential to sexual development in males. The American Urology Association (AUA) has historically identified low blood testosterone as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). The condition is known as Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TD) or Low Testosterone (Low-T). Symptoms and treatment When you have Low-T, you may experience a diminished sex drive, fatigue, low lean muscle mass, depression, irritability and erectile dysfunction. Since these symptoms can arise from many other health conditions, your doctor may order lab work, an…

Does Medicare cover Zyban? 

Your efforts to stop smoking are applauded. Quitting is not easy, but it’s the right step toward improving your health. The American Cancer Society (ACS) reports that smoking cessation lowers your risk of developing all cancers caused by smoking, and even adults in their 60s and older benefit from quitting.  You can get help by participating in individual or group counseling, trying nicotine replacement products, and talking to your doctor about medication that may help you quit and reduce withdrawal symptoms. Does Medicare Part D…

Does Medicare cover Zoloft? 

Zoloft is a medication that doctors prescribe to treat specific conditions like major depressive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clinical depression in older adults is not uncommon. According to WebMD, “late-life depression affects about 6 million Americans ages 65 and older.” Depression in older adults Symptoms of depression that older adults present are sometimes misinterpreted as side effects of medications or associated with chronic conditions. Examples include fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability, confusion, low attentiveness, weight or appetite changes, and…

Does Medicare Cover Tetanus Shots? 

Tetanus is a disease caused by toxic bacteria found in the environment. The toxin usually enters the body through wounds where contaminated dirt, dust or manure can penetrate broken skin. Puncture wounds like stepping on a nail may be the most common way to get tetanus, but the bacteria may also find an entry point of broken skin from insect bites, dental infections, exposed bone and intravenous drug use.  If you have exposure, you may get ill anywhere between three and 21 days later. According to…