Can I Enroll in Medicare Advantage with Medicaid? 

Today in the United States, over 12 million people qualify as dual-eligible beneficiaries through Medicare and Medicaid, which means that they get their health care coverage from both programs.  You might qualify for dual-eligible coverage if you meet the following requirements:  You qualify for your state’s Medicaid program (qualification is typically based on low income or disability).  You are eligible for enrollment in Original Medicare Parts A (hospital insurance) and B (medical insurance).  So, how does dual eligibility work? Medicare is your primary payer and…

Does Medicare Cover a C-Reactive Protein Test? 

When your body is injured or exposed to harmful substances (bacteria, viruses or toxic chemicals), your immune system sends inflammatory cells to heal the damage or attack the invaders. Acute inflammation is your body’s immediate response to damage, which allows the healing process to begin without delay. You may experience pain, swelling or tenderness. With chronic inflammation, your body can trigger the immune system when you don’t have an injury or illness. Conditions associated with chronic inflammation include asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, acute pancreatitis and myocardial…

Does Medicare Cover Cialis? 

Men’s sexual health is a topic that has earned more public discussion since the introduction of the little blue pill, Viagra (sildenafil). Viagra became one of the most popular treatments for erectile dysfunction after being given FDA approval in 1998. It was the first oral medication that could be taken to treat erectile dysfunction as needed. Despite the popularity of Viagra in the senior community and elsewhere, the medication does have its drawbacks. Viagra must be taken a few hours prior to engaging in sexual…

Does Medicare Cover 4Kscore? 

The prostate is a male gland below the bladder in front of the rectum. The gland secretes fluid that conjoins with semen to maintain healthy sperm. When cancer develops in the gland, treatments can range from active surveillance to surgery, depending on how fast the tumor grows. The American Cancer Society predicts that about one in eight men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis at some point. The average age of a first diagnosis is about 66 years old. According to the Cleveland Clinic, prostate…

Does Medicare Cover Wisdom Teeth Removal? 

Wisdom teeth, so named because they usually emerge between ages 17 and 21, help with chewing. They may appear with only mild discomfort. Problems occur, however, when the space in your mouth cannot accommodate them. Wisdom teeth can also break through the gums in the wrong position. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends the removal of wisdom teeth that cause pain, infection, tooth decay, gum disease, tumors or cysts. While some people undergo extraction as young adults, others carry their wisdom teeth into later years….

Does Medicare Cover a Measles Vaccine? 

Measles is a contagious but preventable infection caused by a virus. Although no antiviral treatment is available, measles is preventable due to the MMR vaccine, which stands for measles, mumps and rubella. The MMR vaccines available in the U.S. are M-M-R II and PRIORIX. Healthcare providers can give children an MMRV vaccine, which includes protection against varicella (chickenpox). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the MMR vaccine begin for children at 12 months. If you were born before 1957, most likely you…

Does Medicare Cover Dry Needling? 

Pain is an unfortunate fact of life for many seniors, and chronic pain can really take its toll on quality-of-life for people dealing with ongoing injuries and illnesses. Seniors who experience chronic pain are often prescribed medications to treat symptoms, but as effective as these medications can be, they also come with some potentially serious side effects. Some pain medications carry a risk of dependence, and the potential for accidental overdose exists with virtually all pain medications. Additionally, prescription pain medications may cause drowsiness and…

Does Medicare Cover Suboxone? 

Opioid addiction is a huge problem in the United States. This form of addiction does not discriminate based on age, gender, income level or region. In fact, seniors often find themselves the victims of opioid addiction as a result of being prescribed pain medications after an injury or illness. Some seniors are not provided with proper warnings regarding the potential for addiction when being prescribed opioid pain medications. Others may find that forgetting a dose leads to doubling up on pills, a practice that can…

Does Medicare Cover Treatment for Macular Degeneration? 

Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration, occurs more commonly in people who are older than 60. And in the United States, over 20 million adults have been diagnosed with it.   If you have a family history of macular degeneration, you might have a higher risk of developing the disease. But there are other common risk factors for developing macular degeneration outside of heredity that include: Age Obesity Smoking  Hypertension Diet high in saturated fat Being Caucasian  Macular degeneration happens when the macula of…

Does Medicare Cover Urolift? 

A man’s prostate is the gland that produces seminal fluid which helps to move sperm along the urethra during ejaculation. Prostatic fluid also nourishes sperm to keep them healthy for fertilization of a woman’s egg. The prostate is located in the pelvic region above the rectum, and it surrounds the urethra. With age, many men experience prostate enlargement naturally, but prostate enlargement can occur due to conditions like prostate cancer or benign hyperplasia (BPH). Why prostate enlargement matters When the prostate becomes enlarged, it can…